Legion Auxiliary - Nov News

A special big thank you to my Auxiliary members of Frank Gallino Unit #130 for all their hard work and dedication. Couldn’t do any of this without you! Love you all ! Happy Thanksgiving everyone From Unit #130 !

Melise Munroe
Auxiliary President


98 year old Alyce Hammond sells lunch tickets to non veterans at our Veterans Day event

Donna Matson

Donna Mattson sings the National Anthem at the Veterans Day event

The Auxiliary showed up at 9 am to set the dinning hall up for a free lunch. After the program we helped serve the lunch.

We served over a 100 veterans. After everything was cleaned up several of our members distributed home made cookies to 10 of the care homes in Grass Valley.

We are now gearing up for the Dec 2nd holiday faire at the Middleton home in Nevada City. At our December meeting we will be presenting a check to a high school senior to help her continue her work with showing her prize winning swine.

Getting ready for the free Veteran’s Day lunch courtesy of the American Legion Post 130 and it’s Auxiliary.

AuxiliaryLaurie Stanton2023, aux