Greetings from Frank Gallino unit #130
Frank Gallino Auxiliary unit 130 had our annual Christmas party at our Dec. 10th meeting. We also celebrated Alyce Hammonds 99 birthday and obligated our newest member Carlee.
We are pleased to announce that the Auxiliary will be hosting a dinner on Tuesday February 4th. Kathy Maderios has volunteered to make her famous spaghetti, along with garlic bread, salad and dessert for just $15.00 per plate. Please call 530.278.5343 to make your reservation. Deadline for reservations is January 30th, no exceptions please. "In Harmony" will be there to entertain us, thank you Babs, auxiliary member and membership chair.
The members of Frank Gallino Auxiliary want to wish you all a Happy and Safe Holiday Season. Hope to see you on February 4th!!!