Your VSO - February
Last year, the Nevada County Veterans Services Office (NCVSO) solicited requests for proposals (RFP) from community health providers to partner with the NCVSO to provide free quality and confidential mental health services. Through an extensive and thorough process that included multiple county agencies and members from the veteran community, Sierra Family Therapy Center (SFTC) was chosen as the NCVSOs community partner.
With legislation on the March ballot that will dramatically impact how county behavioral health programs are funded, SFTC’s ability to diversify avenues for treatment was a highlight that was unduplicated. SFTC was chosen as our partner because of its of already working relationships with the Tri-West and CHAMPVA programs and its ability to bill Medicare, Medi-Cal, and other private insurance companies that allow for more veterans from our community to be seen. Additionally, these options allow for a veteran’s spouse and dependents to participate in treatment to better learn how to assist the veteran in times of stress.
Recently, SFTC became a member of the Veterans Health Administration Community Care Network. Wait times currently range around two to three months for an appointment at the VA’s Outpatient Clinic in Auburn. We are hoping to collaborate with VHA administrators to develop a process that allows for timely referrals for treatment from the NCVSO for treatment to Sierra Family Therapy Center. This partnership has started to attract attention from both the state and federal levels. The Veterans Outreach & Wellness Program (VOW) has become a model of what can be accomplished when combining state, federal, and local resources to provide mental health services in rural communities.
David West is the Nevada County Veterans Service Officer. Reach him at (530) 265-1446 or The Nevada County Veteran’s Services Office, 988 McCourtney Rd, Grass Valley, CA, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday